
  Social Sciences in  China is a peer-reviewed journal of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. It is published four times a year (in February,May,August and November) by Social Sciences in China Press and Taylor & Francis,an Informa business,4 Park Square,Milton Park,Abingdon,Oxfordshire OX 14 4RN,UK.


  Editorial Office:

11-12/F,CCTD Center,Building 1,No.15,Guanghua Road,Chaoyang District,Beijing 100026,China.

  Tel.:86-10-85886569    Fax:86-10-85886569    E-mail:zbs_zzs@cass.org.cn


  Fang Jun

Deputy Editor-in-Chief:


Managing Editor:

  Huang Yusheng

English Editor:

  Sally Borthwick

Social Sciences in China(No.2,2023)
2023年07月06日 10:34 来源: Social Sciences in China Press 作者:
  • 作者: Xin Ming
    As a good summary of the latest Marxist theories such as Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, 21st century Marxism does the following: I...
  • 作者: Zhang Jiang
    Interpretation is public in nature. It is carried out in public space, and involves mutual understanding and communication in public space rather than individual understanding...
  • 作者: Zhou Youyong
    In terms of principle, the intrinsic structural elements of the academic system of Chinese administrative law can be divided into three components: the positive law (de lege l...
  • 作者: Wu Genyou
    Zixue is a collective term for the knowledge and thought contained under “Philosophical Writings of the Masters” (Zi Shu 子书) in the Siku Quanshu Zongmu (Catalogue of the C...
  • 作者: Jiang Xidong
    Any investigation of society’s historical development should begin with the fundamental issue of productivity level. The Song witnessed at least 45 new advances in production...
  • 作者: Huang Chungao
    There is a need and space for advancing the historical and theoretical exploration of the seignorial economy of the feudal era. Previous studies mostly focused on the field of...
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