Zhang Jiang
Advanced Institute of Hermeneutics, University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Abstract:Interpretation is public in nature. It is carried out in public space, and involves mutual understanding and communication in public space rather than individual understanding and self-expression in private space. The interpretative space is characterized by freedom, equality, tolerance, public restraint and the pursuit of consensus. The generation of interpretation is guided by contemporary public reason premised on universal public elements. All the premises of interpretation derive from and are based on their public nature. Common feelings and collective images are the universal possessions of mankind, and language, logic and knowledge are all the accumulation of public spirit. Public reason is the foundation of the public nature of interpretation. It is a positive force that stimulates and promotes interpretation; a framework that constrains and regulates interpretation; and a yardstick to measure the effectiveness of interpretation. Public reason functions in public interpretation, and the latter unfolds under the guidance and restraint of the former. The consciousness of interpretation is an essential requirement of the public nature of interpretation. Interpretative agents adhere to their independent identity with clear rational self-knowledge, have an in-depth grasp of the public laws governing interpretation, meet and exceed public expectations, and take truthful interpretation as their goal for realizing the practical value of interpretation.
Keywords: public interpretation, public space, public reason, consciousness of interpretation
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