The Africanness of African Literatures and New Patterns in Human Civilization
2022年11月08日 10:04 来源:Social Sciences in China Press 作者:Zhu Zhenwu a and Li Dan b

  Zhu Zhenwu a and Li Dan b

  a School of Humanities, Shanghai Normal University

  b School of Foreign Languages, Zhejiang Gongshang University

  Abstract:The explosion of African literatures in 2021 is not a coincidence, but is dictated by the continent’s decolonial, diasporic and hybrid cultural manifestations, its more than a hundred years of struggle for cross-regional integration, its spirit of vigorous and persistent action,and the unique attraction of an Africanness that upholds its selfhood, bridges the gaps, and remembers its history but looks to the future. The diasporic characteristic of attending to,absorbing and squarely facing the tension of heterogeneous cultures means that indigenous African literatures contain a distinctive world consciousness and rational philosophy.They have given rise to diverse civilizations marked by dialogue, inclusiveness and the contemporary spirit of African nations, enabling African literatures to participate effectively in the dialogue of world literature and in new patterns of civilization, displaying as they do a strong vitality, creativity and influence in the positive-sum game with Western culture. This will provide positive encouragement to the mutual learning, integration, harmony, symbiosis and coexistence of civilizations.

  Keywords: Africanness of African literatures, decoloniality, diasporicity, dialogism,inclusiveness, new patterns of civilization

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