Gift Theory as a Gift to the Future
2022年11月08日 09:40 来源:Social Sciences in China Press 作者:Luo Hongguang

  Luo Hongguang

  Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

  Abstract:In this dialogue, Luo Hongguang and Yama Yoshiyuki deal with the area of socialized wealth distribution, i.e., the distribution of wealth in society; sees exchange as labor in the broad sense; and points out that among the many systems of exchange, some reflect class but others do not have a class nature, e.g. family division of labor does not fall under class. The social status of family members (their class attributes) does not affect their division of labor and consumption patterns, and even family labor serves as both production and consumption in the household livelihood.

  Keywords: gift theory, class attribute, social fragmentation


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