Converts vs Ordinary Villagers in Late Qing Civil Trials, and the Rise of the Boxers
2020年09月15日 09:34 来源:Social Sciences in China Press 作者:Qu Guiping

  Qu Guiping

  School of History & Culture, South China Normal University

  Abstract:Village civil cases in the Qing Dynasty mainly dealt with households and marriage,land, and debts, etc. It was not uncommon for village disputes to end up in court, which functioned as a vent to release the sense of grievance felt by the disputants. Seemingly trivial cases were thus not trivial at all for those concerned. Prefectural or county officials’mishandling of a petty civil case could spark village conflicts. As a consequence, such trials were seen as a sensitive issue in rural governance. After the 1860s, the unequal treaties had allowed Western missionaries to proselytize deep into the North China countryside,offering “political protection” for their converts in an attempt to maximize their number.The missionaries interfered extensively in village judicial actions, taking the side of their converts in civil lawsuits that pitted church members against ordinary people. This led to a general situation of “deceitful converts against honest men,” making the latter feel they were the victims of injustice. The channels that would have allowed the ordinary villagers to vent their grievances via litigation were thus blocked up. Their accumulated resentment burst its barriers and finally exploded in the violence of the Boxer Uprising.

  Keywords: Boxers (Yihetuan), petty civil cases, litigation, deceitful converts win against honest people

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