From Building a “Xiaokang Society” to Building a “Modern Socialist Country in All Respects”
2022年04月12日 09:53 来源:Social Sciences in China Press 作者:Zhang Yi

  Zhang Yi

  Department of Social Development, University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

  Abstract:Since the reform and opening up, tremendous changes have taken place in China. The initial objective of building a xiaokang or moderately prosperous society developed into a national development plan, which adopted a phased approach: first, “building a xiaokang society in an all-round way,” followed by “completing the building of a xiaokang society in all respects.” The efforts have paid off: The Chinese nation has stood up, become prosperous and grown in strength, creating two miracles—rapid economic growth and long-term social stability. After achieving the first centennial goal of building a xiaokang society in all respects, China has embarked on a new journey toward the second goal of building a great modern socialist country. A new two-step development strategy has been drawn up, laying a solid theoretical and practical foundation for the realization of the second centennial goal.

  Keywords: four modernizations, a xiaokang society, development strategy, a modern socialist country


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