Early Chinese Village Patterns in Terms of the Origin of Civilization in China
2021年07月22日 10:20 来源:Social Sciences in China Press 作者:Ma Xin

  Ma Xin

  School of History and Culture, Shandong University


  Early Chinese villages and cities were born simultaneously from primitive settlements and existed side by side. As a significant part of China’s early social structure, they should be regarded as an important marker of the origin and development of Chinese civilization. The early villages were mainly clustered settlements that were under the rule of cities from the day they came into being. Villages and cities usually formed a single community, and their relations were essentially patriarchal and political. The early villages were mainly patriarchal clan organizations which were overlaid by geo-administrative organizations in the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States periods. The mainstay of basic village organization thus became the household registration of the common people.

  Keywords: origin of civilization, early villages, cities, settlements

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