A New Exploration of Journalism: Stengthen the Connection with Its Audience
2021年07月22日 10:02 来源:Social Sciences in China Press 作者:Wu Fei

  Wu Fei

  College of Media and International Culture, Zhejiang University


  Traditional media are facing a crisis of declining trust, public disengagement, and declining revenue. More and more people are avoiding and rejecting traditional news because of its depressing effect on their feelings. The constructive journalism movement seeks to correct the negative bias of traditional journalism, strengthen the connection between the media industry and its audience, and reestablish the authority and legitimacy of journalism. This new model of journalism can give hope to a life that is “not-yet” and encourage people to move forward to solve social problems with a positive mindset. In the current era of public communications, constructive journalism offers a new option for people to rethink the many possibilities for journalists, the news communication system, and the journalism industry and thus shape their own social roles and positioning.

  Keywords: constructive journalism, philosophy of hope, avoidance of the news, journalistic professionalism

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