Marx’s Thoughts on Economic Globalization
2016年05月17日 16:29 来源:Social Sciences in China Press 作者:Lü Shirong

  Lü Shirong

  School of Philosophy and Public Administration, Henan University

  Abstract:Marx’s thoughts on economic globalization are contained in his philosophical views, his ideas on historical materialism and his theory of world history. His philosophical transformation broke with the idealist ontology of old philosophy and made philosophical studies connect with reality. His historical materialism starts with the material production activities of human beings in the real world, discloses the rules and trends of the development of human societies, and reveals the sources and trends of the formation and development of world history. His theory of world history throws light on the source, impetus and trends by which human societies transition from regional history to world history, and scientifically analyzes the position and role of capitalism in world history, furnishing an ideological weapon for understanding economic globalization. Marx’s thoughts on economic globalization mainly reveal the nature and trends of economic globalization; he emphasizes that economic globalization is a result of the global expansion of capitalism.

  Keywords:philosophical view, historical materialism, theory of world history, economic globalization



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