Rule of Law at the National and International Levels: A Review from the Global Governance Perspective
2016年05月17日 16:24 来源:Social Sciences in China Press 作者:Zhao Jun

  Zhao Jun

  Guanghua Law School, Zhejiang University

  Abstract:The rule of law as a fundamental means of global governance has two levels, the national and the international. The national rule of law and the international rule of law, defined by their respective concepts, orientations and functions, address governance issues at the national and international levels. Interdependent, they are linked effectively by two core factors of the rule of law: “good law” and “good governance.” Between them is an ongoing process of interaction, a basic expression of their unified relationship. The framework of their interaction comprises three basic elements: individual states and the national rule of law; the international community and the international rule of law; and the medium of rule of law interaction. This interaction is two-way, cyclical, diversified, comprehensive and incremental. In this interactive process, China needs to define its international position and actively participate in the development of the international rule of law so as to establish its discourse right in this field.

  Keywords:global governance, national rule of law, international rule of law, interaction process



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