Rule of Law Construction and Assessment at the Local Level
2016年02月02日 15:33 来源:Social Sciences in China Press 作者:Fu Zitang and Zhang Shangen

  Fu Zitang a and Zhang Shangen b

  a and b School of Administrative Law, Southwest University of Political Science and Law

  Abstract:Going beyond the analytical model of the holistic state in rule of law discussion, we can classify the rule of law into national and local levels based on the stages and increments of its execution. The phenomenon of the local rule of law reflects the stages and incremental progress of building a rule of law China. It has a realistic foundation in society and a profound basis in legal theory. Comprehensively advancing the rule of law in China necessitates giving encouragement and support to construction of the rule of law at the local level. The attempts and experiments of local government enable us to explore and innovate the developmental model of the socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics. The rule of law at the local level is embodied in three dimensions: “text—action—concept.” Assessment mechanisms and indicators for the local construction of the rule of law should also be established in accordance with this framework. The building of the rule of law at the local level should be synchronized with assessment of the rule of law. We need to optimize top-level design, conduct evaluations of local legislation, improve local rule of law work performance assessment and use a rule of law index to assess the local rule of law in an overall manner.

  Keywords:law-based governance of the country, a rule of law China, rule of law at the local level, rule of law assessment, rule of law index


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