Chen Xianda
School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China
Abstract:Study of the classic texts of Marx and Engels should employ two perspectives: Marxist philosophical history and Marxist philosophical principles. The two cannot be separated, still less contradictory. In dealing creatively with these classic works, we must firmly uphold the methodology of historical materialism, read them in accordance with the authors’ original intentions and approach them creatively. We need to oppose research styles that place undue emphasis on the researcher’s own interpretations and constructions. Research on Marxist philosophy should develop on the basis of respect, study and correct understanding of Marx and Engels’ classic works; different readings of these texts must not be allowed to construct a pluralist Marxism. This is of great importance for consolidating the leading position of Marxism in the sphere of ideology.
Keywords: classic works of Marx and Engels, history of Marxist philosophy, principles of Marxist philosophy, historical materialism
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