Jiang An
Teaching and Researching Department of Social Science, Shenzhen University
Abstract:Lenin’s theory of imperialism, which was based on a combination of Marxist theory with active reference to and dialectical critique of the theories of classical imperialism current at the time, provides an empirical analysis of the historical logic and laws of motion of capitalism. It realizes the sublation of theory and ideology by means of critical, explanatory and constructive logic, displaying a unique theoretical originality. Lenin’s theory of imperialism offers a theoretical reflection on the development of capitalism and its historical trends; it is a practical response to the world structural contradictions arising from imperialism, an epochal reflection that vigorously explores and constructs the value claims of a new civilization and provides in-depth Marxist view of world history. The methodology and general principles of Lenin’s study of imperialism are based on the materialist view of history. They are not out of date, nor are the propositions in his theory of imperialism, based as they are on research into monopoly. At the same time as it declared war on the values, systems and practices of the old world, Lenin’s theory provided a completely new cognitive method, philosophical attitude and ideal values for the future society. This has become the precious wealth of mankind, wealth that transcends historical time and space.
Keywords: Lenin, theory of imperialism, monopoly, theoretical quality, ideological value, contemporary nature
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