A Review and Some Reflections on the Three Campaigns of Intra-Party Intensive Education since the New Century
2017-12-29 17:05:10 Source:Social Sciences in China Press Author:Ouyang Song 访问量:

  Ouyang Song

  Party History Research Office of the CPC Central Committee

  Abstract:In the new century, the Communist Party of China has successively launched three campaigns of intra-Party intensive education: the important thought of the Three Represents education campaign in rural areas, the Party-wide education campaign to maintain the vanguard nature of Party members mainly by putting the important thought of the Three Represents into practice and the campaign to intensively study and apply the Scientific Outlook on Development. Through these activities, the majority of Party members and cadres have received profound Marxist education, further deepening their understanding of the important thought of the Three Represents. The campaigns advanced the great project of Party building at a new historical starting point, and are thus of inspiring significance.

  Key Words: Communist Party of China, the Three Represents, Party building

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