Creatively Advance Chinese Research on Marx’s Philosophy: In Commemoration of the Thirtieth Anniversary of Zhongguo Shehui Kexue
2017-12-29 17:11:29 Source:Social Sciences in China Press Author:Yu Wujin 访问量:

  Yu Wujin

  School of Philosophy, Fudan University

  Abstract: This article combines with the author’s academic experience, especially the papers he has published in Zhongguo Shehui Kexue (中国社会科学) in recent years, to discuss the extremely important role of the journal in creatively advancing the study of Marx’s philosophy. This progress is mainly evident in three respects: a new understanding of the essence of Marx’s philosophy; a new exploration of its historical development; and new reflections on its origins.

  Keywords: Marx’s philosophy, the essence of Marx’s philosophy, the history of development of Marx’s philosophy, origin of Marx’s philosophy

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