Global Development Equity: Its Ethical Nature and Historical
2017-12-29 17:16:37 Source:Social Sciences in China Press Author:Chen Zhong 访问量:

  Chen Zhong

  Centre for Chinese Urbanization Studies and Department of Philosophy, Soochow University (Suzhou)

  Abstract:Global development equity is a concrete unity of the ethics of rights and responsibilities,modern and historical ethics, subject-centered and ecological ethics, and individual and collective ethics. Its construction requires prolonged effort and a comprehensive grasp of modernity, the laws of social development and the overall logic of social development,as well as an all-around readjustment of concepts, institutions and behaviors. Within the concrete and historical unity of rights and responsibilities, “the unity of limited global rights and limited global responsibilities” is an important principle for constructing global development equity. Declarations that China is practicing neo-colonialism are in fact inherently associated with Eurocentrism. The peaceful, joint and comprehensive development of China and other developing countries and China’s historical advancement of global development equity are practical refutations of such assertions.

  Keywords: developmental ethics, global responsibility, global rights, colonialism, Chinese model

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