An Analysis of Changes in the Chinese Family Structure between Urban and Rural Areas: On the Basis of the 2010 National Census Data
2015年03月17日 11:02 来源:Social Sciences in China Press 作者:Wang Yuesheng

  Wang Yuesheng

  Institute of Population and Labor Economics of CASS

  Abstract:Changes in the Chinese family structure since 2000 are evident in a significant decrease in the share of nuclear families; a considerable increase in the share of single- person families; and a rise rather than a fall in the share of linear families. Changes in urban family structure differ from those in rural areas. In the former, the share of nuclear families has fallen, with a marked rise in single-person families and a slight fall in linear families. In the latter, there has been quite a large fall in the share of nuclear families and an increase in the share of single-person and linear families. Changes in the secondary family structure also show some differences. Population mobility, number of children, population aging, and marriage and housing conditions have a marked effect on the evolution of family structure. In an era when small families are dominant, the government and various social organizations should enhance public services for families; review the household registration system to lessen the regional separation of workers from other family members; and create conditions for improving intergenerational relations.

  Keywords: family structure, sixth national census data, social transformation, urban-rural disparity




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