A Tale of Two “Skewness”: Managerial Epidemic Experience, Probability Weighting and Financial Market Stability
2024年04月24日 15:02 来源:中国社会科学杂志社 作者:Gu Leilei,a Ni Xiaoran b and Peng Yuchao c

  Gu Leilei,a Ni Xiaoran b and Peng Yuchao c

  a Business School, Central University of Finance and Economics

  b School of Economics, Xiamen University

  c School of Finance and Belt & Road Finance Institute, Central University of Finance and Economics

  Abstract:Under probability weighting, entrepreneurs with skewness preference tend to seek right- skewed and avoid left-skewed risks. We show that Chinese firms managed by CEOs with professional epidemic experience, i.e., who previously experienced the outbreak of SARS during their tenure as high level executives, have a lower stock price crash risk measured by the negative skewness of stock prices in subsequent periods. In particular, those firms intentionally avoid stock price crashes by adopting more conservative strategies in decision- making. Overall, we provide the first evidence on the unintended effect of entrepreneurs’ subjective judgments of the probabilities of disease outbreaks on financial market stability. These have long-term implications for the financial system.

  Keywords: SARS, epidemic experience, probability weighting, skewness preference, stock

  price crash risk

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