The “Proto-State”/ “Chiefdom” Controversy and the Study of the Origins of Chinese Civilization
2024年04月23日 10:59 来源:中国社会科学杂志社 作者:Chen Shengqian

  Chen Shengqian

  School of History, Renmin University of China


  “Proto-state” and “chiefdom” are two major theories used in exploring the origin of Chinese civilization. There is much debate about the relationship between the two and about their academic significance. In several respects, the questions answered by the two theories are distinctly different: the perspective of the one is emic, of the other etic, and their research paths are respectively humanistic and scientific. The chiefdom theory derives from anthropology; it is evolutionist and its theories are constructed by analogy. Its strong point lies in exploring the mechanisms of the development of social complexity, but when used in archaeological research, the logic employed is deductive reasoning. The proto- state theory comes from Chinese archaeology, and thus is historicist. Its strong point lies in understanding cultural meanings, and the research logic it employed is inductive reasoning. The two theories represent research paths that are complementary but not interchangeable. The purpose of exploring the origins of Chinese civilization is not only to find the truth of history, but also to understand and inherit its culture. Therefore, it is important to fully combine the two theories in building the discourse system of Chinese archaeology.

  Keywords: proto-state, chiefdom, origins of Chinese civilization, archaeological theories

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