How Resilient Is the Family? An Empirical Study of Family Care for the Young and the Elderly
2024年04月23日 10:48 来源:中国社会科学杂志社 作者:Yang Di and Jin Yihong

  Yang Di(a) and Jin Yihong(b)

  a and b Jinling Women’s College, Nanjing Normal University  


  This study explores the strategies Chinese families employ to navigate substantial caregiving challenges in the context of demographic changes characterized by low birth rates and an aging populace, alongside a dearth of public and commercial caring resources. It delves into familial intergenerational cooperation, utilizing various resources such as connections, norms, and emotions to develop resilience that withstands external pressures. The research acknowledges the positive role of family resilience in safeguarding vulnerable members and maintaining social stability. However, it also highlights the fact that family resilience has its limits and does not have unlimited sustainability. Sustainable family resilience can be bolstered by redefining the distribution of duties and resources among the government, the community, and families for the care of the young and the elderly. This involves creating a multifaceted welfare system anchored by government backing that places families at its center and by improving the commercial provision of care services. This facilitates the positive self-generation and reproduction of caring resources within the familial framework.

  Keywords: Family resilience, care, caring deficit, dual care for the elderly and the young

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