Redrawing the Map of World Philosophy Based on the Spatial Experience: A Perspective from the Phenomenology of Space
2024年04月23日 10:56 来源:中国社会科学杂志社 作者:Wang Jun

  Wang Jun

  School of Philosophy, Zhejiang University


  The phenomenology of space is linked to the body experience, where the situatedness (Befindlichheit) plays the fundamental attribute of existence, and space becomes a structural element of meaning construction, while the space itself is constructed and extended by way of intersubjectivity or Mitsein in this process. The phenomenology of space, which is portrayed through embodiment, situatedness, meaning construction, and Mitsein, poses a new requirement for the writing of the history of philosophy in the age of globalization, which is to break the Western-centric perspective and to discuss the pluralistic philosophy based on the differences of the spatial experience. By redrawing the map of world philosophy in an intercultural perspective, the pluralistic philosophical traditions can establish the new self- understandings and self-positionings, in order to respect the diversity of human civilization, to unite the common values of all mankind, and to build a human community with a shared future.

  Keywords: space, phenomenology, intercultural philosophy, map of world philosophy

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