Huang Yao
School of Law, Sun Yat-sen University
Abstract:Studying the scientific connotations of the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind and its guiding significance in international law is an important topic, and integrating the rich ideas contained in this concept into the theory of international dispute settlement is of great practical value. At present, the practice of international dispute settlement is encountering many difficulties, and there is a need to create new models and new ideas for international dispute settlement. Peaceful non-settlement is an important supplement to the existing methods of international dispute settlement. Generalizing and theorizing the practice of peaceful nonsettlement from a legal perspective and making the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind a theoretical resource for supporting peaceful non-settlement can help enrich and guide the practice of peaceful non-settlement. In addition, peaceful non-settlement can help build a community with a shared future for mankind.
Keywords: a community with a shared future for mankind, international disputes, peaceful non-settlement, non-settlement, international cooperation
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