A Book Series Recording Cultural Exchange between China and the West
2023年07月06日 10:06 来源:Social Sciences in China Press 作者:Li Guoqing and Deng Sai

  Li Guoqing a and Deng Sai b

  a School of Humanities, Shanghai Normal University

  b Library, University of Central Florida

  Abstract:“Chinese Studies in the West: The Chinese Record” is a book series consisting of works written by Westerners who went to China from the 18th to the early 20th century, each of which contains a Chinese introduction and translations of the book’s core information followed by the reprint of the original text for scholars to study and research. From 2009 to 2021, 13 volumes have been published, with a total of 130 titles. This article will discuss the different types of Westerners in the Series, the activities they engaged in while they were in China or related to China, the books they wrote and their opinions towards China and its people. It will also explore the Series’ social impact and its value to the study of SinoWestern culture exchanges.

  Keywords: Sinology, China Studies, Chinese Studies in the West: The Chinese Record

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