The “Chinese Approach” Ushers in a New Model of Global Governance Civilization
2018年11月30日 09:38 来源:Social Sciences in China Press 作者:Wu Xiaoming

  Wu Xiaoming

  School of Philosophy, Fudan University

  Abstract:Since the advent of “world history,” the world order has manifested itself theoretically,on the one hand, as international rights, and on the other, in actual practice, as power. This is exemplified in the Westphalian system. However, the Chinese approach (A New Model of Major Country Relations; A Community of Shared Future for Mankind, among others),which has been acclaimed as a constructive scheme for the new world order, is premised on transcending the Westphalian system; it is founded on a new type of civilization. The objective basis for this new type of civilization is China’s socialist trajectory and the revival of China’s pacifist tradition—these constitute the essential provisions of the Chinese approach to Global Governance.

  Keywords:global governance,Chinese approach,socialism, pacifism

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