Xin Ming
As a good summary of the latest Marxist theories such as Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, 21st century Marxism does the following: I...
Zhang Jiang
Interpretation is public in nature. It is carried out in public space, and involves mutual understanding and communication in public space rather than individual understanding...
Zhou Youyong
In terms of principle, the intrinsic structural elements of the academic system of Chinese administrative law can be divided into three components: the positive law (de lege l...
Wu Genyou
Zixue is a collective term for the knowledge and thought contained under “Philosophical Writings of the Masters” (Zi Shu 子书) in the Siku Quanshu Zongmu (Catalogue of the C...
Jiang Xidong
Any investigation of society’s historical development should begin with the fundamental issue of productivity level. The Song witnessed at least 45 new advances in production...
Huang Chungao
There is a need and space for advancing the historical and theoretical exploration of the seignorial economy of the feudal era. Previous studies mostly focused on the field of...
Meng Guanglin
interpreting the feudal contract between kings and nobles in medieval Western Europe, Western historians have tended to elaborate on its interaction, equivalence, and even equ...
Wu Zhen
School of Liberal Arts, Renmin University of China
Wu Zhen
Ancient Japanese music books have been quite effective in preserving the way the Chinese culture of time evolved dynamically abroad. Studying the relationship of music and dan...
Shu Jian and Zhao Xiaolei
Tea has played an important role throughout the entire East Asian world. During the Song and Yuan dynasties, due to differences in the target consumers and acceptance of tea,
Li Guoqing and Deng Sai
“Chinese Studies in the West: The Chinese Record” is a book series consisting of works written by Westerners who went to China from the 18th to the early 20th century, each ...
Chen Yanping
Ronald C. Egan, a renowned American sinologist, is best known for his accurate English translations, exquisite readings, and innovative perspectives on the aesthetic ideas and...