Wan Junren
The multiple images of modernity are used here to put forward and corroborate the possibility of the genesis of multiple modern civilizations and their very modernity while co...
Zhao Tingyang
Philosophy based on epistemology is a philosophy of nouns which is restricted by the horizon of the knower, and cannot explain creation by human beings within its subjectobjec...
Nan Fan
The theoretical dichotomy of the elegant (ya) and the popular or common (su) has a long history and many branches, provoking Babel-like confusion of tongues. Both have their o...
Hu Zhan,Peng Xizhe and Wu Yushao
The course of population ageing in China has unique features, and the country’s fundamental national conditions, development path and governance model impose special requirem...
Tian Ye
Geopolitics, technology and international institutions are three major areas of great power competition. In the analysis of great power relations, both the balance of power th...
Ye Haosheng
School of Education, Guangzhou University
Cui Guanghui and Guo Benyu
In examining the historical changes in cognitive psychology from 1895 to 1949, it is necessary to transform cognitive psychology into cognitive practice. In the late Qing and ...
Shu Yueyu and Gao Shenchun
In the historical interaction of science and philosophy, empirical science has used cumulative research to shed new light on how the science of philosophy understands fundamen...
Wang Bo and Luo Qiongpeng
In the traditional debate centered on the nature of language, the question of “the psychological reality of language” occupies a pivotal position. The key lies in the recogn...
Yu Feng,Xu Liying and Peng Kaiping
The absence of anthropology from cognitive science may be related to the fact that the Western-dominated cognitive approach is not human-centered.
Jiang Ke and Li Qiwei
Starting from the tension and integration between cognitive neuroscience and cognitive psychology, this paper analyzes the waxing and waning of physicalism versus mentalism ov...
Su Jiajia and Ye Haosheng
In the civilizations of the axial age, Chinese and Western cultures gave birth to different scientific traditions—the image sciences and the natural sciences—within the know...